Monday, January 27, 2014

52 Weeks, 1 Big Takeaway

For those of you keeping score at home, today marks my 53rd blog and the beginning of another year of writing here at NBFamilies. I’d like to thank all of you that tune in weekly. While some Mondays the words come easily for me, there are plenty of other times that are quite the opposite. For that reason alone, please know your readership and comments, whether online or in person, are always encouraging and greatly appreciated!

Honestly though I must say, writing each week has actually been a lot of fun for me. The Monday slot has provided me with plenty of holiday-themed opportunities, from April Fools’ Day to Columbus Day to my favorite new holiday, SPEAKUP Day. I have gotten to draft blogs from doctor's office waiting rooms and from 35,000 feet high in the clouds. I’ve enjoyed revealing little bits about our family and myself each week. Whether talking about things I've noticed from a long weekend at the ball field or sharing stuff learned from a family getaway, the blog has served as a reminder to me that the Lord gives us these experiences so that we might see Him at work and then share these things with others. Of course, the same is true for other types of experiences as well. Though it’s not as exciting or glamorous, I’ve found it important to also reveal some of my struggles. Parenting is pretty tough at times. Loving my bride as I am called to do is impossible without Christ’s help. I often fail and fall short. I’m learning that God allows these times for the purpose of sharing as well.

There’s a lot that I’ve picked up on over the last year or so. I've discovered from my musical artist references of Springsteen, Meatloaf, and Rod Stewart, that Phil and Terry are closer to my contemporaries than Jeff and Sankie ever will be. As I've suggested before, I’m an old soul. I’ve also learned that if one mentions certain celebrities like Montell Jordan or Shane & Shane, he can often earn some social media love by way of retweet or reply. Oh yeah, and the only thing that gets more hits than pics of children or sad puppies is a photo of my wife with steak knives. Fellas, I would suggest bragging on your lady a bit before revealing anything embarrassing like that. Maybe several times just to be safe.

But of all the fun I’ve had and lessons I’ve come to realize, my big takeaway from year number one is this: God is so graciously present in our every day lives. While I have at times leaned on seasonal prompts and church events to find some content for writing, the majority of what I get to share each week comes from my daily life. God is everywhere – in everything! WhiIe I pray that we would see Him at work in such apparent ways, the truth is that I quite often miss Him myself.

For me, the times when I complain of writer’s block has less to do with material and more to do with something spiritual. It is not necessarily a matter of creativity, but rather an issue of my availability. Sure, I procrastinate. Spend a week with me and you’ll learn that I’m so far from being a type-A dude that I may not even be in the same alphabet. However, the real issue isn’t about putting off a writing assignment as much as it is a matter of me putting off time with God. It is hard to write about how good He is when I personally haven’t paused to consider such truth. 

See, no matter how transparent I attempt to be with you, there is and will always be a whole other level that God sees, a depth to my stubbornness and depravity that I'm too ashamed for anyone else to know. I wish that I could say that He is always treasured above everything else, but unfortunately that isn't the case. Despite my best efforts, I still get sidetracked. I chase after silly, selfish matters and get tripped-up over stuff that's trivial. Nevertheless, God loves me anyway. He uses me in spite of me, and has proven to be my biggest fan. In fact, the big takeaway is that the grace of God's presence reminds me that He is and ought to be my primary audience, whether I'm blogging or jogging. The same holds true for you as well. May we blog, parent, preach, teach, work, play ball, dance at recitals, love our spouses, steward our bodies and our resources well. Might we simply approach our everyday routine of activities aware of this truth. May we be a community that reminds each other to live on mission for our audience of One.

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