Monday, October 14, 2013

What might we discover?

Imagine a journey where you set off for the riches of a world unknown, only to discover there is far more wealth in uncharted territory ahead of you than you originally thought? Similar to the Italian-born explorer some five hundred and twenty plus years ago, such is our quest today. Back when he sailed the ocean blue, Columbus actually had planned to arrive somewhere in the West Indies but was unaware of the Pacific’s existence. Granted, we’re not confusing the Bahamas for India and China or sailing into Hispaniola expecting sushi rolls for lunch. However, if we are giving this 'discipling our children' thing a try, our travels are guaranteed to be just as exciting and adventurous!

Most of us would agree that the primary role of discipleship falls on us, the parents. Sure, we’ve all dropped our kiddos off at Sunday school classes, church camps, and VBS type of events over the years in hopes that those programs and leaders might just do the trick. You know, similar to what we expect of the soccer coach and the grade school teacher. Teach our kid to play a game and master the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic. Perhaps the church can make our children all Christian-like and stuff.

But deep inside we knew there was more to it than that. We know it for a fact based on our very own experiences. Discipleship is different than learning a sport or achieving something academically. It is more than remembering facts or picking up a new skill. It involves sharing life, leading by example, and making intentional deposits of time, effort, and energy, while ultimately relying on the Lord to do His thing and open spiritual eyes that He might be seen and savored as the sweet treasure that He is.

Bottom line is that the responsibility of discipling our children belongs to us, and that is scary. I mean, what if we don’t do a very good job at this? That’s a legitimate concern and is almost certain to true at times. Hence a sovereign God that is full of grace and compassion! If you are a believer, is it because your parents sat you down for a family faith talk devotional each and every night? Are you a faithful follower today because your folks were intentionally on mission each night of the week? The answer for most of us is a resounding, “Uh…NO!”

So if God has been so gracious as to bring us into His flock in spite our own rebellion and less than perfect upbringing, how much more expectant should we be that God might bless families in which parents actively and purposefully engage their kids with the hope and call of the gospel.  Though that was completely rhetorical, I’ll give the answer anyway for good measure. We should be stoked – busting at the seams in excitement! What an adventure to belong to!

Even though Jesus is known for teaching some of His best lessons in the midst of such tempest (see Mark 4:35-41, Matthew 14:22-33), it seems we are too focused on the possibility of rough waters ahead. But what if we don’t know where we’re going to end up? Well, historically that has still worked out okay. Heck, you might end up with a holiday named after you. I understand what you mean – really I do. Yet I’m convinced that the fear of what's unknown and the threats of shipwreck, sea legs, and dysentery should never keep us ashore when there is a whole new world out there before us - one with promise of generational blessing, one rich in gospel goodness, one filled with the hope of God’s glory.

If we never touch solid ground again, isn’t it worth it - to live our days directing our children as best we can to see their Savior… Where will we land? What might our grandchildren experience as result of our faithful journey? The adventure is out there. The territory is largely uncharted. Will we come aboard and set out for parts unknown? Will we bravely push beyond the horizon to where the Lord is leading? Oh, how I pray we do…

Lord, keep us faithful. Help us to hold fast to Your word and entrust our lives, our families, and the precious hearts of our children to you. Father, might we make much of You in all we discover in these adventurous years ahead.
Twitter: @FattMowler
Facebook: TheFattMowler

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