Faith Mission

Imagine a household from which the Gospel spreads like Good News does. We dream of becoming a church family that partners with parents to disciple their children but never elevates the family above the churches mission in furthering the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


  • What would change for our families if we began to recognize our responsibility to spread the good news of Jesus Christ?
  • How would our family change and grow if we planned and went on a family mission trip instead of a family vacation?
  • What could God do through me and my family to reach our neighbors, our ball teams, our school classes or clubs, or our extended family for Jesus?


  • What will my kids learn as they watch me ministering with them to their friends or to kids from homes where whose parents are disengaged?
  • How can the family of God - New Beginnings Church - enfold every member young & old, male & female, single & married into a gospel centered, redemptive community?

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