Can I be honest/vulnerable with you?
((If you answered no, I need you to click here))
I grew up around the church, not "in" the church like some of you who knew all the books of the Bible before you were even potty trained, just around. At 15 years old I remember hearing the Gospel for the first time (at least the first time I listened), responding to it and starting my personal relationship with Jesus. However, if you asked me when I feel I was really all in (not just lukewarm) I would say 22 years old. It's because of this dichotomy that I have a hard time nailing down, in my own mind, when a child should/can accept Christ as their personal Lord and Savior: When can they really comprehend what they're doing? What "sins" are they needing to repent over? Do they just want "fire-insurance"?
I know... It just got real didn't it!! I mean, this is a raising Godly families blog and we're family pastors. Hey, I asked you upfront if I could be honest and vulnerable, so if you're still reading this, by the law of ethics you have to cut me some slack right about now!!
Courtney has a simliar story (accepting but not all in) but she felt the call on her life at 7 years old... SEVEN!! And it is here as a dad of a 7, 6 and 3 year old that I find myself.
Every night for the past 7+ years I have prayed over our children. Asking God to reveal Himself to them at a young age and that their walks would bring Him glory. So should it be a shock that my 7 year old informed me, earlier this Fall, that he had accepted Jesus into his heart and that my 3 year old begs to pray on all occasions because she: "Luvs Jesus width mine entired hart"!
For those of you keeping score at home, that does leave us one short... And for the sake of full disclosure we have been a little worried about this one (she takes after her mom :))! But two Saturdays ago my middle kiddo emerged from our playroom with a huge smile on her face and handed me this:
(("Holy Bible...Come and see me...By Creighton"))
(("Love Jesus... Play with me Jesus"))
(("Our team is Jesus...Love me"))
(("People do you remember me"))
(("Jesus I am sorry for lying...Jesus [unsure]"))
(("I Love You Jesus... Do you love me as I do?"))
(("I Love You people...Do You Love Jesus"))
(("The End... I Love You...Mrs. Stoll [her kindergarden teacher]"))

What's your personal favorite piece of art your children made!?
Do you still have it (Post a pic or tell us about it)?
I don't know what you think but if you ask me, that's a pretty amazing declaration of faith!!
I love how God challenges our thought processes and continues to shift our paradigms when we put Him and His plans in a box.
Please hear me very clearly... Courtney and I didn't save them, scripture is clear, that is the work of the Holy Spirit alone. We weren't perfect (far from it) and we didn't follow a step-by-step guide but we were faithful in prayer and God blessed us through it. I ALSO want to point out that our jobs are not over, in fact, now the hard part begins: Discipleship!!
Michelle Anthony (author of 'Spiritual Parenting') said it this way: "So faith in our lives and in our children's lives must have this expression of obedience for it to be alive. Perhaps the fullest definition of faith comes from its meaning in the original Greek. The word pistos embodies three things: possessing a firm conviction, making a personal surrender, and demonstrating the corresponding conduct."
It's here that I'm so excited about what God is doing at New Beginnings. We have a dynamite team that is passionately pursuing God's plan for South Tulsa and fighting for families! We want to run this race with you... We are NOT looking to evangelize or disciple your kids but to come alongside you, being your biggest fan, support and advocate (Faith Map). We want to pray, cry and even laugh with you as we discover together what God has in store for your family and the generations to come!!

What's your personal favorite piece of art your children made!?
Do you still have it (Post a pic or tell us about it)?
The statistics of the probability of folks "accepting Jesus":
- 5-12 years... 32% ("accept Jesus")
- 13-18 years... 4%
- 19+ years... 6%
*Anyone notice that Matt Fowler and I have the toughest jobs at New Beginnings... Just Sayin'!! :)
Here's some verses/passages to look into regarding children and "accepting" Jesus as Lord:
- Acts 2:39
- 2 Timothy 3:15
- 1 Samuel 3
- Mark 10:13-16
- Matthew 18:3-4
- Matthew 19:14
Good stuff Jeff - thanks for sharing! This is a topic every parent should wrestle with & pray about...
ReplyDeleteThanks buddy!!
ReplyDeleteI think you have a budding author on your hands:) Creighton's story is beautiful. You could take the book make a power point and preach the Good News. I love it.
ReplyDeleteCome see me Jesus!
Wouldn't that be amazing!!
DeleteI clicked on your link if you couldn't be honest (although just out of curiosity) and it made me laugh...I needed a laugh today thanks
ReplyDeletethe computer was still signed in as you, but of course, it's not Jeff that wrote that, it's Courtney :)