Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Join Genesis Kidz on Faith Mission

New Beginnings church is all about being on mission. Over the years I’ve looked for ways to get our family on Mission for God. Now with an 7 and 4 year old I’ve also found our discovery about what mission is as important as us “doing” mission service. A Faith Mission is where the Gospel spreads like Good News does. At New Beginnings Church we dream of seeing church families catalyzing the churches mission in advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As your children learn more how this is done through missions they will be more likely become practicers of Faith Mission. For children a Faith Mission is simply looking at any act of service and changing the focus of it to how can we share Jesus through what we are doing today?
I often bring my boys along with me when I am doing certain projects with the church, Jonathan enjoys visiting new people and giving away food and clothes. David on the other hand enjoys entertaining people and showing compassion to people who are hurt or in need. To be on Faith Mission in my household I have to be looking at the opportunities around me to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and make my family aware that we are going to make a conscious effort to be a witness in our chosen activity.

One thing about missions is that it’s contagious. I’ve found that once people get around others who are on mission for God their passion begins to spread like wild fire. If you would like your child to get a taste for mission and share in a Faith Mission experience with your child would you consider joining us at Mission Ignition 2013. Bring your school age children out March 2nd from 9am-3pm to 1st Baptist Church of Tulsa for a day focused on “Missions” as children hear from missionaries from all over the world?

Activities at the Mission Ignition will include Bible Skills games, Missions Challenge, Inflatables, Worship, Archery, Match Box Derby Racers and more! To Sign-up and pay please visit our booth at the Genesis Kids check-In desk, downstairs.

What: A hands on Missions experience for kids where they will learn about different ways they can be involved in missions. They will also be challenged to do missions when they return home. Lunch will be provided for your cost.

Cost: Tickets are $10/each in advance or $15 at the door

Times: 8:30am – Doors Open

9:00 am – Event Begins

3:00pm – Dismiss

Contact Pastor Travis for more information travis@nbchurch.info
This is a tremendous opportunity to infold the youngest members of our church into an environment that values missions and teaches their importance in our culture and to our faith. My hope for attending this day with my boys is that they will be able to get hands on misisons experience as they rub elbows with people from the front lines. I pray that they will develop an excitement and passion for missions when they see it’s importance to me and other adults. Finally, I want them to have a fun experience with their peers as they begin to develop a heart for missions and decide how the “together” can be on mission for God. 
The Genesis Kid’s Children’s Ministry will come back from this missions immersion event with an assigned mission project that we can all together begin to practice as we live out the Gospel, amongst the community of believers, through our actions, words, prayers and sacrifices.  I do hope you will join us for Missions Ignition. If you have any questions or would like to reserve a spot please e-mail me at travis@nbchurch.info.
Remember tickets are $10 in advance at the church through Feb. 27th or $15 each at the door. Parents come along and bring your kids to 1st Baptist Tulsa to immerse them on this Faith Mission.
For more information about this event Ling to our Mission Ignition links or visit http://www.bgco.org/ministries/childhood/mi-advancement-projects for more info.
Pastor Travis

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