I read a story this morning about the last words of a dying eight year old boy in Glasgow, Scotland, that brought me to tears. The legendary missionary John G. Paton, who once risked his life to witness to cannibals, writes “This dying boy seemed to be filled with joy about seeing Jesus. His simple prattle, mingled with deep questionings, pierced the hearts of some careless sinners who heard him and greatly refreshed the faith of God’s dear people.
Shortly before the boy passed away he said to his parents: “I am going to be with Jesus, but I sometimes fear that I may not see you there.” “Why so, my child?” said his weeping mother. “Because”, he answered, “if you were set upon going to heaven and seeing Jesus there, you would pray about it and sing about it; you would talk about Jesus to others, and tell them of that happy meeting with Him in Glory. All this my Sunday School teacher taught me and she will meet me there. Now why didn’t you, my father and mother, tell me all these things about Jesus if you were going to meet Him too?” Their tears fell fast over their dying child; and he little knew, in his unthinking eighth year, what a message from God had pierced their souls through his innocent words.”
This story was a great reminder to me not only about the importance of Sunday School Teachers, but the responsibility we have as parents as commanded in Deuteronomy 6:6:-9, to teach our children about Jesus. A couple of days before the boy passed away, his aunt who was known to be one of the only Christians in their family, sat down beside the little boy and as he spoke he said: “Talk with me about Jesus. I am tired of hearing so much talk about everything else but Jesus. I’m going soon to be with Him. Oh, do tell me everything you know or have ever heard about Jesus, the spotless lamb of God. ” The child literally longed to be away, not for rest, or freedom from pain, but “to see Jesus.” After all, that was the only thing on his heart, the only thing that mattered.
What do you speak to your children about as you go about your daily business? We can all take important truths from the Biblical command as such:
“Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” -Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Are the things we speak to our children about throughout the day leaving a lasting impression upon them? Are we spending our waking hours with our children wisely talking about the things of the world or impressing our love for God upon them.
Do we make the most of times when we drive down the road by singing songs of praise? Or as we walk into our homes after work by stating blessings upon our children and praying over them regularly?
Do we fill our day with scripture, the walls of our homes with Psalms, the doors we pass through with symbols of faith.
Parents have the most influential opportunity to impact a child’s faith at home and are desperately needed in the church to model their faith before their kids by teaching in their Sunday School classes.
Have you been considering entering a rotation to teach in your child’s Sunday School class? You are needed. More importantly your children need to see you involved in their activities and lessons. Over 150 chilren were present in our children's ministry last week. We need parents of every skill set to join our children's ministry team to teach the truths of God's word to children of all ages.
Will you join us just once per month on a rotation to fill these important needs? Contact Pastor Travis at 918-720-6052 to discuss opportunities that fit your passion and gifiting.
Thanks for sharing this story. It is amazing what children pick up (or don't) from adults. This story is a great reminder for all of us to be more intentional in our daily walk.
ReplyDeleteGood post Travis!