Monday, February 3, 2014

Not again?!

I can’t believe I just did that, again! How could I be so foolish?! Why do I keep on falling for the same old junk? When faced with a scenario that I should have surely learned from in the past, why do I seem to continue to repeat my mistakes? I assumed the tough lessons of life would start to sink in eventually, and maybe they will, but sometimes it seems that a few may just plague me forever.

I’m talking about the times when my response is anything but kind and gentle. I’m referring to the moments when my sinful selfishness provokes me to speak to my wife and children in ways that are cold, hurtful, and far from godly. I’m thinking of the countless weeks that I put things off, even though I truly believe the Lord is calling me to invest the time and energy of involvement. I’m reminded of the days when my own insecure thoughts wreak havoc in my mind and eventually affect those around me. Sure I repent during such times of weakness and I genuinely mean it. Yet, a week later, maybe two, I’m right back at it. Procrastinating, reacting out of the flesh, and not trusting very well. It is frustrating and so very disappointing… Do you ever feel this way?

In the 1993 classic comedy, Groundhog Day, Bill Murray plays the role of weatherman Phil Connors. In the film Connors and his crew travel to the small Pennsylvania town of Punxsutawney to give a live report from the home of the world famous rodent. However, the problem that comes about isn’t that winter might potentially be prolonged, but that Phil is seemingly stuck in February 2nd. So over and over again, the weatherman experiences the monotonous events of this lackluster holiday until he finally gets things right. While Murray’s antics and interactions with the townspeople are hilarious, there are maddening parts of the movie that resonate in my heart. Of course there’s not some particular day I’m unable to escape, but sometimes I definitely feel stuck in the same old sins. Why do I continue to find myself in the same situations, responding in the same fruitless ways?

The Apostle Paul speaks of this tension. He says there are times he does the very things he despises, instead of the good he truly longs to do (Romans 7:15-19). It seems that we often find ourselves in this place of not living out the faith we so passionately believe and profess. My typical response is to just simply try harder. But that creates a problem itself. My Groundhog Day is perpetuated as I begin to move away from my dependence of God and the sufficiency of the cross and try to wage war in my own strength. The enemy wins each and every battle I enter alone. Look at the conclusion Paul comes to: “Who will set me free from myself? Jesus Christ, that’s who! Praise God (Romans 21-25)!!”

I’m not suggesting that knowing this truth will make the overcoming issue easy. I’m well aware of the scriptural promises myself, and yet my consistent shortcomings in this area are as frustrating and disappointing as they come. The fact that this issue is a reality in my own heart is the reason that I write today. But please know that I’m also not suggesting we remain inactive in our struggle. Rather than calling us to sit on our hands, I think scripture would lead us to fall to our knees – to ask the Lord to intervene and go before us, to beg the Spirit to remind us of the victory we already have in Christ, and for the hope of the gospel to echo more loudly than the deceitful allegations of our adversary. For what Jesus achieved on the cross, He did once and for all (Romans 6:10) and in Him there is no longer condemnation (Romans 8:1).

Figuratively speaking, Punxsutawney Phil may have seen his shadow and we may remain in a season of struggle for a bit longer. But guess what?! God has adequately supplied grace and forgiveness to meet our every need. Today is February 3rd… Might today serve as a reminder that we have an opportunity right now – to trust God more fully, believe more faithfully, to see from the perspective of the redeemed – that is, as one already saved but not yet a finished product. May Christ put our “Groundhog Day” behind us, allowing us to move forward in the abundant hope and freedom He provides.     Twitter: @FattMowler     Facebook: TheFattMowler

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