Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Where does our value come from!?

This week I had the amazing opportunity to go out and watch the Bixby Spartan Girls Tennis Team compete in regionals.  Some of you might be wondering if I meant the word: "amazing" and yes, yes I did.  Though I do not know a lot about tennis (in fact what I do know I learned primarily from Mario Tennis on the Nintendo 64... Can I get an amen!!) but I love gorgeous weather and supporting students!!

While watching one of the games matches I over heard an interesting conversation that I think all of us have had at some point or another.  One parent was talking to another parent about the girls that were playing at the time.

Parent A: "What do you think their chances are at State?"
Parent B: "I don't know for sure but they're playing really well today"
Parent A: "You know, they're really great kids too... They're co-valavictorians for their school!"
Parent B: "Wow, so they make good grades"
Parent A: "Yep, also involved in student council and FCA"
Parent B: "That's awesome"

Though I am proud of those girls for making good grades and being actively involved in their schools, I wonder if this is an accurate picture of who they are or, at the least, whether this is what we should value!?

In ten years of full-time ministry I have seen more than a couple students that do all the "right" things, like padding their resume with service projects, taking AP classes, running for school officers, etc. to make it into a specific college or sometimes just to get parents off their backs.  Often these teens were seen as great kids only to have their real hearts exposed over the next several years on their own in college or even post-graduation.

It's a funny balance isn't it... I mean in one hand we know that it's not our "resume" that gets us into heaven but an acceptance of what someone else did on our behalf (John 6:28-29).  Yet, doing 'works' is a way to show growth and belief in Christ (James 2:22), which lead us to the understanding that we need to do stuff.  But it isn't here that we should find our value... It isn't here that we should be measuring success for teens OR OURSELVES!!!

In the book 'Raising Kids for True Greatness' author Kimmel says: "God wants our children to grow up to live adult lives that are far more than just seeing how much money they can make and how well known they can become. He wants them to make a profound difference eternallyWhen we raise our children with this in the forefront of our efforts, we automatically focus on higher goals than fame, power, beauty, and wealth-goals that most parents assume are sovereign. We aim them at a true greatness that is bathed in grace and carried out through humility, gratefulness, generosity, and a servant attitude."  What a great goal for those of us that are parents and even those of us that are adults on the outside... May we point students to a higher purpose and focus!!

Confession: This message wasn't even for you, it was for me this week... I'm a "doer" (in some circles we call it "Go-Getters") and this often is seen in a positive way because I can take on a lot and get stuff done.  However, I can often get frustrated when things are not going as planned or bummed when the event is all over.  Why... because I fall into the trap of finding my value in my works and not on the cross!!  Thank you Jesus for your grace and helping me find my worth in that I'm a human being and not a human doing!!

Do you resinate with what I'm trying to say (as a parent or as a sinner in need of The Savior)!?

*All that being said, the girls did great overall at regionals with our doubles team qualifying for State!!  But before you jump on me for honoring their works, check this out.  As I was leaving the courts I noticed something on the insides of their wrists:
"WOL": Win or Lose

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" - 1 Corinthians 10:31 

Yeah, God is at work in South Tulsa... May we make less of us and more of Him!!


  1. This is bigger than us - bigger than tennis. Way to go! Thanks Jeff for articulating the disciple's focus!

  2. Great job Jeff! It takes a completely different focus/outlook in parenting for greatness than success! It's a lofty goal, but I hope together and with the others in our lives and our children's lives that we will be able to run towards the cross and have our children follow, whether they are stand outs according to society or not. Audience of One!

  3. Thanks guys (and wife)... Now if we can only get other folks to read this!! :)
