The bottom line is that movies are many things. They are entertaining, educational, inspirational, motivational, emotional, challenging, thought-provoking, life-changing, etc. They affect the individual, in an individual way. This provides a great opportunity for discussion and for learning from each other. In the high school group, they have great discussion around the points of a movie and they do that all summer long on Wednesday nights. The students get to share what impacted them about the movie and why. This fosters learning, especially, when that discussion is brought back to how the message or characters, in the movie, either do or do not relate to the Gospel message and the Christian walk, which is always part of that discussion.
In the movie "Courageous", there are many different values exhibited through the various characters: integrity, honesty, love, dishonesty, greed, anger, selfishness, etc.The values are exhibited through their life experiences, which, for me, drew me in to each character as I began to relate to the various values and how they were being "lived out" in the movie.The Gospel message is also presented in the movie, which is another learning, as there are many different ways to present the Gospel message to a stranger, friend, co-worker or family member.
What's the point? Movies provide us: husbands and wives, friends and co-workers, fathers and mothers, with a great opportunity for discussion about the characters and the message in the movie and how that compares to the Gospel message and what is going on in our lives right now in our Christian walk. Movies provide an excellent opportunity for parents to have a "faith walk" discussion with your children to help them see the right versus the wrong, the good versus the bad, the real versus the unreal, the truth versus the lie.
I will leave you with some of my favorite quotes from the movie "Courageous":
"A child desperately needs a dad."
"We need to understand how crucial the role is of the father."
"God desires every father to courageously step up."
"Don't waste the priceless time we have with our children"
"Thanks for your integrity(Javier)....it's rare."
"A child is a gift from God."
"You are accountable to God for the position of influence God has given you as a father."
"We all agreed we are doubly accountable..." (now that we know what God expects from us in our role as a father)
"I want the favor of God's blessings on my home."

Terry Langenberg
Twitter: TheLangenberg
Facebook: TheLangenberg
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