- "Learn the Basics"

"Not only can they give him a false sense of security, but they discourage proper form because they force his body to be vertical instead of horizontal in the water." This principle is amazing!! We often use "crutches" to do specific tasks thinking it will make us more efficient or better in some way. At the time it seems all well and good but after awhile we realize our need for the crutch and often find ourselves farther from the original goal. A big example for me was my phone... I remember very vividly when I got my first iPhone. I was amazed as the days went by using this new device that would keep my calendar and answer my calls (no more palmpilot folks). It could store thousands of contacts and hours of music but one day it froze up. After hours of testing, it landed on the desk of a "Genius." Though they could replace it for me at small price of $250 there were a couple other things we could try first. What was crazy is over the next MILLION YEARS (couple days) as my phone was on the fritz, I realized a lot of things had changed: I couldn't listen to "my songs" on my way to work or while working out, Some e-mails I had saved because of the content were unaccessible, I no longer remembered phone numbers (I had stopped memorizing them since they were saved in contacts), There was nothing to do while going the bathroom (don't lie, you take your phone in with you too), etc. My iPhone, though so helpful in many areas had become a crutch and actually put me in a worse position on many things and I didn't even notice until it was gone. What are the "floaties" you are putting on your kids or yourself (Is it: Making summer camp or VBS but never during year? Memorization of Bible facts but no understanding of the Gospel? Pushing baptism before they're ready? A salvation moment but no life change? Etc.)!?
- "Take the Plunge"

1) Please, let myself and the other NBFamily Pastors know!! We would love to be praying for you, encouraging you and looking for more intentional ways to get them a solid connecting point.
2) Urge them to come three times to a specific program (Yes, even if it's "kicking and screaming"). I know this is a big ask but it has a proven track record if started and encouraged at home! If you can get them there three times it will be our job to keep them coming!!
3) Personally get involved in some capacity at New Beginnings. The fact is, often kids do what they see their parents do. If parents are just dropping kids off each wednesday at church, consistently skipping sunday morning worship to do other things or just too busy to actually be in a small group... THE KIDS WILL FOLLOW SUIT!! Please consider getting into a D-Group this fall (brand new groups start next Sunday, Sept. 8th. Click here for more info)
May God give us the courage to step into the pool... May New Beginnings be a safe place to start and a effective place to train... May the Spirit give you the courage to do what is right regardless of what is said... May the Son be the example we follow... May our kids heed our warnings and follow our instruction... May the Gospel continue to change our lives, daily!!
To read the whole article from 'Parents Daily', Click Here
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