Marriage to Mars?
" For some married couples, just the prospect of a cross country driving trip, trapped, in a vehicle with the spouse is enough to induce dangerously high blood pressure. So when millionaire space tourist Dennis Tito recently announced that his team was seeking a couple to man (and woman) a planned privately funded 18 month mission to planet Mars in 2018, people recognized that the selected pair would need to have a special relationship.Like that of Deborah Shapiro and her husband Rolf. They spent 15 months together on the Antarctic Peninsula, nine of which were in total solitude. Their secrets?"
- "Give the other person mental elbow room."
- "Show tangible signs of caring and of empathy."
- "Remain sensitive to each others moods and concerns."
- "Don't belittle each other."
So let's go to Mars with our marriages! (Figuratively, not literally, of course)
If we, both husbands and wives, could just concentrate daily on the bottom 3 action points listed above, what would our marriages look like?
Let's pray that God, through the gift of the Holy Spirit, would give each of us the desire, the strength and the courage to love each other, whether poor or wealthy, in good times and bad, in sickness and good health, through the kind of actions discussed above, as we build stronger and stronger foundations in our marriages.Amen.

Terry Langenberg
Twitter: TheLangenberg
Facebook: TheLangenberg
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