Kingdom Rock Vacation Bible School
June 10-14th
New Beginnings Church
4104 E. 151st Street South
Bixby, OK 74008
Learn more about Kingdom Rock VBS and watch cool videos about what to expect at http://group.com/vbs/kingdom-rock
Each summer millions of children flood to churches across the nation to attend Vacation Bible Schools. These events are often the largest single evangelistic outreach that a church will do to reach children in their community all year. The statistics are staggering when you look at the impact of VBS in America. Lifeway research reports that 1 in 12 Elementary age children in our nation attend VBS in their churches every year. Hundreds of thousands of salvation's are also reported at these events each year with a greater impact of over a quarter million new prospects added to church roles.
My personal testimony of faith began at Camp Sonshine a 2 week long VBS at Pioneer Dr. Baptist Church in Abilene, TX back in 1982. I remember feeling loved and excited to be apart of a big event for God! My VBS had been filled with crafts, games, field trips and new friends. At the conclusion of the 2 weeks a man named Pastor Pete took the stage and shared the good news of Jesus Christ with us all. He told me that if Christ was in my life that I would be forgiven of all my sins. Now as a 6 year old boy I knew that I was a terrible sinner. I was filled with anger following my parents divorce, I was often in trouble with my teachers, I had a terrible temper and was known to say a bad word or two (evidence the regular mouth washings with soap as punishment). So when I heard that Jesus could forgive me of all the bad things I did my peaked up to listen.
The next thing Pastor Pete told me changed my life. He said that if Jesus Christ was in my life that God would become like a father to me and provide for all my needs. Following my parents divorce I wanted a father in my life more than anything so I walked forward before 400 people to ask God to become my father at that instant. Now Pastor Pete had not yet gotten to the invitation so he told me to go with Ms. Ann and that she would pray with me and help me respond to God's calling in my life. I believe God answered my prayer for salvation and forgiveness that day because the men in that church became like my spiritual fathers and helped raise me in the faith all throughout my formative years.
VBS is an opportunity for families to be on Faith Mission by inviting friends and neighbors to attend Anytime we step out in faith and proclaim the Gospel message the Lord response and works as only He can. This summer we are gearing up for a VBS that we hope will impact children in our community for a lifetime! Please think through some of these questions below and consider how the Lord may be calling you to respond to the call to present the Gospel in our community through the Kingdom Rock VBS.
Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.
Romans 10:17
Think about the impact that VBS has had on your families life.
What was the impact of VBS on your life growing up?Do your children look forward to attending VBS each year?
Do you know someone who has made a faith decision to follow Jesus at a VBS?
Would you consider volunteering and being apart of the Kingdom Rock VBS at New Beginnings this summer?
To volunteer please contact Kerri Bowman or Katie Wallace our Co-Directors at
craig.kerri@yahoo.com or ktwallc@gmail.com .
Please mark your calenders for our church-wide VBS Volunteer training events will be held May 5th at 12:30pm. Please RSVP to our Directors if you will be in attendance.
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