Monday, October 27, 2014

Sometimes it takes more...

“This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer.” Mark 9:29

The disciples wondered why they were unable to cast the demon out of the man’s child and this was Jesus’ response. How true it is with much of life; some things require prayer and fasting; deep deliverance is always dependent upon the Divine. Not that there is some type of religious hocus pocus to perform; there assuredly is no spiritual equation to follow. However, many things require an amount of patience and reliance that can only be found through increased measures of faith.

And this ought to be an encouragement. For we look forward to days of harvest and long for heaven’s bountiful blessings while here on earth. Certainly we experience such grace in part but never in full. The reality is that moments such as these are not passed out like Halloween candies. In truth, we must wait…and waiting is difficult.

When we want things, we rarely want them in the future. How often have you thought, “Twill be nice to have this or that someday, if God ordains it...”? Typically when we want something, we want it right now. Why is patience considered virtuous? One with patience is thought to have virtue because everyone knows we do not come by it naturally. So when our days grow challenging and our abilities fail to bring about our desired outcomes, where else can we turn?

When our belief is not enough, we, like the father of the child in the story, must look to our Savior for help. “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24) When the right direction is unclear, when discernment is desperately required, when disease ravages the body, and sin torments the soul that’s astray, we must press into Christ. “Lord, we’ve tried every avenue known to us; we’ve been reminded of our insufficient strength and Your omnipotent hand; Father, do what only you can!”

So where is this struggle for you? Is it a rebellious child that wants nothing to do with the things of God? Are you stuck in a season of life that seems to request far more than you can give? Are you striving to turn the tide in your home? Does it feel like the culture is changing, but just way too slowly? Perhaps, this passage is the Lord’s way of reminding you to faithfully pursue and entrust the One who is forever faithful – the One that never tires out – the One who knows the very number of hairs on your head – the Great God of our salvation – the One to whom even the demons and winds and waves obey.

Yes, some things may come only by prayer and fasting. Certainly the Lord calls us to a deepening faith. Yet, lest we be deceived, there is no good thing that comes about on our own. That is to say, all gifts come from above. May we see our daily need for Jesus in the big and the small alike, and might He grow our trust in Him – for His grace to be experienced and His glory to be revealed.

Matt Fowler - Family Pastor of High School

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