Over the past several months all three of our kids have jumped head first into different activities trying to find out what their "thing" is... Jackson is committed to getting the coveted blackbelt at Karate and Charleigh has loved bouncing on the trampolines at Gymnastics. Creighton, however, continues to explore, trying both of those activities and beyond!! Though I'm not pumped about moving from one event to the next it has provided lots of opportunity to see a reoccurring theme in "Children's Activities" all over.
This is a flyer that was sent home with us from Karate...

This is a book excerpt that was posted at Gymnastics last month...

Three different signs, from three different locations, all pointing to the same thing: Kids do what they see their parents/adults do!! The Bible says it this way: "If anyone causes one of these little ones to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea" (Matthew 18:6).
Though that verse is talking about leading others into sin and that's not exactly the implication of the signs, I hope it is a strong enough reminder the importance we play in the example to children (especially our own)!!
Are we going to hit "homeruns" every single day with our kids? Probably not...
But no one walks up the the plate to "strike-out"!!**
May we strive to be holy in our daily lives... Just as is commanded in Matthew 5:48 (100% Jesus)!! May we look for incredible Faith Walk moments this week!! May we be the kind of men and women we want our sons and daughters to become!! May we be a community of believers that encourages transparent living!! May we love our kids enough to live life above reproach... Not without mistakes but full of forgiveness and mercy!!
**Only added so Matt Fowler would think I know something about Baseball!!
Any one of these pictures could be a blogpost all by itself... In fact, please take 3 minutes and read each of the statements in the "Boost Your Kids Self-Esteem" pic... This is Spiritual Parenting!!
Which do you need to work on this week!?
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