Monday, June 10, 2013

Sweetest words to hear…

In a short moment, the doors would open and reveal a large gathering of friends and family rising to see the beautiful bride escorted down the flower laden aisle. It was in this precious time shared between father and daughter that all the anticipation and excitement of the big day, the fullness of meaningful friendship, and gratitude for all those in attendance began to feel a bit overwhelming. Brittany clutched her dad’s arm a little tighter and said, “I need you to steady me… Like when we went repelling – ease my anxiety. Be here for me.”

Brittany had recalled a time from a family vacation back when she was nine years old. When it was her turn to repel down the face of a cliff, she was terrified and rightfully so. Repelling goes against all natural instinct – lean back in your harness, press against the wall with your feet, and lower down the mountain. For two hours the group had tried to coax her to come down the ropes, but to no avail. Finally she said, “I’ll go if my daddy goes.” Scared and tearful, Brittany made her way down the cliff with Brian right next to her - coaching, encouraging, and reassuring his daughter each step of the way until they reached the bottom safely.

So on our wedding day, nearly twenty years later, my wife looked to her dad and affirmed that he has been sought for comfort and stability through the years and was needed again. Isn’t that what every father longs for? To know that we’ve loved well and we’re still needed? I’m moved by the richness of this story and by the God who allows us to see such pictures and be reminded of Him. For surely our heavenly Father desires the same… “God, be here with me. Hold me up. Lead me on like you always have. Lord, I’ll go...but only if You go with me.” How pleasant those words must sound to our Savior!!

Brian would be the first to admit that he’s not a perfect parent. Yet I can assure you that he's helped his daughters see Jesus. We all have instances that we would redo if we could. However, I think that our shortcomings as parents may be the very reason we’re called to such a high task. Is it possible that parenthood has been given so that we might gain a taste of God’s unconditional love? And perhaps our struggles in the arena of parenting are designed to lead us to hope and strive in Christ’s strength alone? Friend, I believe that like all things, the relationships we have with our children are ultimately given to point us all toward Jesus – parent and child alike.

Praise God for the opportunities we have to make treasured memories and for His goodness and mercy to redeem our mistakes. May the Lord show the depth of His love to our children through our faithfulness to Him… And as you consider getting a Father’s Day gift this week, may I suggest something different from the traditional necktie or fishing lure. Simply share your heart with your daddy and let him know he’s still needed. For I believe that earthly dads & our heavenly Father would all agree, those are truly the sweetest words to hear.

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