Thursday, June 20, 2013

"Introducing Generation iY" Part 1

The information quoted in my blog today comes from the book "Generation iY: Our Last Chance to Save Their Future".

In his book, author Tim Elmore defines "Generation Y, as being the Millennials, those born between 1984 and 2002". He says "The younger Millennials, born after 1990, resemble their older Gen Y counterparts in many ways, but in volumes of other ways they stand in stark contrast to them. More than any previous group, this younger population has been defined by technology-which is why I believe it's accurate to call them Generation iY."

I'm interested in what Elmore has to say because I have two step sons that both fall into this age group. They are both, by Elmore's definition, iYers. I also have two daughters who are Generation Yers and the boys are just as Elmore defines them "similar to the older Generation Y counterparts in many ways, but in volumes of other ways they stand in stark contrast to them"

He goes on to define the "iY", "because of the tangible impact of the "i" world (internet) on their lives. This population, born in the 1990s and afterward, has literally grown up online. Theirs is the world of the iPod, iBook, iChat, iMovie, iPad, and iTunes. And for many of them, life is pretty much about "I".

"What will Generation iY's future be like? After talking with thousands of students about what they think, I've come up with twenty-six phrases we could hear from adults in the year 2030. Some are tongue-in-cheek, some more likely than others, but together they paint a sobering picture of what life will be like for Generation iY, unless something changes."
1. "I'm really tired."
2. "I'm distracted"
3. "I'm obese."
4. "I'm on my fifth career and ninth job in a decade"
5. "I'm overwhelmed, but I'm dealing with it."
6. "I'm impatient. I make short term commitments"
7. "I'm finishing a marriage contract of three years."
8. "I'm reinventing myself constantly."
9. "I have no innocence."
10. "I'm seeing a therapist."
11. "I love and hate my parents."
12. "I'm bored."
13. "I'm spending money out of control-a quarter of a million each month."
14. "I'm depressed."
15. "I'm self-absorbed."
16. "I spend much of my home time online."
17. "I'm living in a greener world."
18. "I'm passionately following the reunion tour of Beyonce' and Lady Gaga."
19. "I'm stressed. I have little time to rescue my soul."
20. "I pursue instant pleasure and entertainment and will spend to get it."
21. "I'm medicated."
22. "I'm living in a virtual world. (I plan to try a virtual marriage.)"
23. "I've learned to do things faster. My pace of life is accelerated."
24. "I experiment with preferences in gender and religion."
25. "I still want to change my world, but I'm cynical about the possibilities."
26. "I'm a leader in society now, but ill prepared."

 What concerns you about these 26 quotes?

Elmore says, "Ready or not, they are now entering the adult world. And unless we wake up and make some adjustments in the way we interact with them, I predict rough waters ahead."

This is just one of a number of reasons why our church, New Beginnings, is focused on equipping parents to engage and disciple their children, teenagers and young adults. There is hope! We(parents) can and must help to lead the next generation to find their strength and identity in Jesus Christ and Him alone.

"Give me your heart, my son, and let your eyes delight in my ways." Proverbs 23:26

Part 2 next week.

Terry Langenberg
Twitter: TheLangenberg
Facebook: TheLangenberg

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