Sowing the Seeds of

For our mouths to overflow with such praise we must first be
filled with God’s word and overflowing. This is where maintaining our own
personal devotional life is so important. Parents must find regular times to
retreat and be filled with God’s word so that it may overflow from our lips and
stir the affections of our heart for Christ. We can get so consumed with the
care and attention of our children or our careers that we miss our first love
of caring for the things of God and giving Him the attention he deserves in our
As parents we influence our children in so many ways. The
words we say, our actions, our habits and our affections are often imitated by
our children.
Jesus taught his disciples through parables “The knowledge
of the secrets of the Kingdom of God” Luke 8:10. He did this so that when the
believers in Christ heard these teachings they would understand because their
hearts had been transformed, but to the unbelieving, “Though they see, they may
not see, though hearing, they may not understand.” Luke 8:10-11
The Parable of the Sower found in Luke Chapter 8 speaks of 4
types of seeds that a farmer sowed when he went out to plant his seed. The
following is an account of where the seeds fell and what the result was.
Seeds that fell on the path- Trampled underfoot
and eaten by the birds
Seeds that fell upon the rocks- Grew up quickly
but then weathered because of a lack of moisture
Seeds that fell among the thorns- As they
started to grow were choked out .
Seeds that fell on the good soil- yielded a crop
100x what was sown.
In this Biblical account the 12 Disciples and women who
believed in Jesus asked, “What does this mean?”
Jesus gave a reason for the parables stating, “The knowledge
of the secrets of heaven have been given to you. But to others I speak in parables.
“Though seeing, they may not see, though hearing, they may not understand. Luke
The influence we leave upon our children is much like us
casting (influencing) the seeds of our faith upon our children and watching to
see what type of harvest it will produce.
The seeds represent the Word of God from which we teach and
instruct our children.
The following are the four meanings that Jesus gives for
sharing about where each seed was sown:
The seeds that fell on the path= Those who hear
the word of God and then the devil comes and takes away.
The seeds that fell on the rock= Those who
receive the word with joy but have no root
The seeds that fell amongst the thorns= Those
who hear but go their own separate way and are chocked by life’s worries and
don’t mature in their faith.
The seeds that fell on good soil= Those who hear
the word, retain it and produce a crop.
None of us can be
certain that our children will hear the word of God and automatically believe. But we can make sure the seeds of faith we
plant in their lives fall upon fertile “Good soil” and pray fervently that God
would grow up a harvest 100 times what was sown. We can also direct our
children’s path so that the seeds of faith we are planting in their lives do
not fall on the hard path or upon the rocks or worse amongst the thorns so that
they are chocked out.
Family Faith Talks are a key essential in parents sowing
their seeds of faith (The word of God) into the lives of their children.
Faith Missions are families putting their faith to the test
and living out their faith in such a way that it influences others through
service and love.
Thought Questions:
Parents are you being fed a regular diet of God’s word so
that the overflow of your heart is speaking the words of God?
Where are the seeds of faith falling amongst your children?
How will you insure that the seeds of faith you plant will
fall on “good soil”?
Thanks Travis - good questions to think on!
ReplyDeleteWell done Travis Young! May all of us dads be spiritually nourished and fruitful for our families.
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