Saturday, March 23, 2013

Saturday Guest Blogger - Kevin Burgess

I [Kevin Burgess] was at seminary two weeks ago and had to be separated from my wife or kids for a week. While I was gone, I miss them all dearly and as time away dragged on, the longing I was feeling to be with them grew.

I worried about my wife, Sharla, having to deal with two boys who try to tear up everything and whatever they can’t tear up they try to get the dogs to eat. She also is caring for Vallie, our little baby girl, who consumes most of her time.

We have not been at New Beginnings for a long time but we have become fully involved in the NBFamily ministry model. This is the first time I have been away since we have be at our new church. I have been asking myself, “How am I able to have faith talks with my boys and have a godly influence on them while I’m away for an entire week?”

The reality is I cannot have a physical presence with them and I cannot have the godly influence on them right now that I would like. My seminary classes are from 8am to 6pm and then I have project I have to work on during the evening. I barely have time to have a texting conversation with my wife. I certainly can and have prayed for my kids and wife which is a very important aspect to raising our kids and being married. However, physically being with them is impossible right now.

Therefore, this week I have been made aware of the importance of both parents participating in raising kids to know God through Jesus. I fully understand that two parents in the life of a child is not always the reality and fully support those who are faithful to raise children in a way that brings glory to God. All parents (traditional parents, single parents, step parents, grand parents) can be faith to God and bring glory to God whatever the family structure looks like.

Nonetheless, I am thankful that NBFamilies has taught both my wife and me how to raise our kids in a godly home. I have a wife who I know can and does continue the plan even when I am absent from them. 
My absence has also helped me to realize that the more my wife sees me talking with my kids about Christ, redeeming situations with godly instruction, etc., the more “tools” she will have while I’m away.

I am more aware that I need to do a better job at filling the spiritual tool box by example while I am home so that when I am away my spouse can carry on the process of being the spiritual instructor of our family without missing a beat.

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