Thursday, May 7, 2015

Remembering, And Being Thankful

"Remember the day you stood before the Lord your God at Horeb, when he said to me, “Assemble the people before me to hear my words so that they may learn to revere me as long as they live in the land and may teach them to their children.” Deuteronomy 4:10

Mother's Day is Sunday. I am "remembering" the many blessings that my mother has blessed me with over the years. I am so thankful for them and here are just a few below.

I am thankful that my mother made going to church a priority. We were raised Catholic and as long as I can remember, we went to church on Sunday. I understand that just attending church did not "save" my soul, but this is where I began to understand the story of Jesus Christ, who He was, and how He should be "revered". (Read Deut 4:10 again)

I am thankful for the discipline that Mom gave me. She knew how to use correction, lovingly, to help me to understand right from wrong.

I am thankful for Mom's love, affection, mercy and care when I was sick or hurting, whether physically or mentally.

I am thankful for Mom's talks that helped me to develop confidence in myself, when low self esteem was defeating me.

I am thankful for Mom teaching me how to respect and treat women.

I am thankful for Mom teaching me how to be a respectful man, teaching me the little things, like saying "please" and "thank you", opening doors for not only women, but the elderly, or disabled.

I am thankful for Mom teaching me good manners and proper etiquette.

I am thankful Mom taught me how to be a giving person, by her unselfish giving. 

I am thankful that Mom didn't always give me what I wanted, but what I needed.

I am thankful that Mom prayed for me.

I am thankful that Mom gave me grace and still loved me during times when I treated her poorly, with disrespect and was very "unlikable". I am thankful for your forgiveness, Mom.

I am thankful that Mom was my biggest cheerleader in anything that I was successful doing and for Mom's encouragement to move past those things that I wasn't.

I am thankful that Mom loved to laugh and she taught me that as well, so that I wouldn't take everything in life so seriously.

I "remember" all of these things and more, Mom. I am sorry that I haven't shared all of these things with you over the years. I'm sorry I have hurt you in the past. I'm sorry for letting you down at times over the years. But I am SO thankful that you are my Mom. You did your best with me. You raised three great children who became productive, Christ-following, adults, who are making an impact. I couldn't have developed into the man that I am today, without all of these things you did in my life from birth onward.

 This is my Mom, Sandy, with two of her Great-grandchildren and my grand-children.

I love you Mom! Happy Mother's Day!! early:)

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