Thursday, June 5, 2014

Are you a Thermostat or a Thermometer?

"People are either Thermometers or Thermostats. They will merely reflect the climate around them, or they will set it. Leaders develop values and principles to live by and set the tone for others."

This quote is taken from a book called "Habitudes" written by Tim Elmore. I'm going to be teaching some of this today, to a group of high school students, who have chosen to spend a month this summer learning about ministry here at New Beginnings. Their group is called "The Next Level". They will get to hear from all of the pastors on staff through the month of June.They are all doing this on their own time.I find it inspiring that they are so willing to come and not only learn from us, but also that they are required to serve at the church in some capacity on Sundays during the duration of the program and they are so willing to do so.

Here are some additional quotes from Elmore: "Most people are like thermometers. They tend to reflect the culture around them. They buy things that others buy, say things others say, wear things others wear, and value things that others value. Oh, there are slight variations. But most people don't set the "climate" for the world they live in; they just mirror back the climate."

"Leaders, on the other hand, are people who decide to take life to the next level. They become thermostats, and set the social climate in which they are placed"

Did you catch that? I was talking about a group of high school students who are called "The Next Level". They are spending a portion of their summer, getting up early and coming to church to learn and to serve. How many high school students do you think are doing something like that for the month of June this summer? Are these students in "The Next Level" thermometers or thermostats? I believe they are thermostats. According to Elmore, "they're pace setters. They influence, rather than merely allowing others to influence them."

Elmore says "Leaders who are "thermostats" have developed values and principles they live by. God calls us to be authentic.The word "authentic" comes from the root word "to author". It means to write your own story, not copy someone else's. When someone owns a set of values, it's like they have a moral compass on the inside that guides them in their decisions."

"It's like they have a moral compass on the inside that guides them in their decisions."

Parents, are you thermostats or thermometers? Are your children growing up to become thermostats or thermometers? What's their "moral compass like inside"? What does this story below in Luke 6:46-49 say about our values?  What's the connection between living like a thermostat and living like a thermometer?

  46 “Why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and don’t do the things I say? 47 I will show you what someone is like who comes to Me, hears My words, and acts on them: 48 He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. When the flood came, the river crashed against that house and couldn’t shake it, because it was well built. 49 But the one who hears and does not act is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The river crashed against it, and immediately it collapsed. And the destruction of that house was great!”
Luke 6:46-49

Terry Langenberg

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