Monday, June 16, 2014

The Gift of Being "Dad"

I enjoyed a wonderful Father’s Day yesterday and I truly hope yours was a special one as well.  I pray you were able to express to the important men in your life, your gratitude for them. I’m hopeful that you were able to recollect the blessings of your fathers and grandfathers that have passed. My prayer is that memories were both made and remembered. As I thought about my dad and my step-dad, my father-in-law, and grandfathers, I realized how blessed I’ve been to have these men in my life. I was also reminded of the many reasons I absolutely love being a dad.

For one, being a dad reminds me of just how much I am loved by my Heavenly Father. He loves me perfectly and just as I am. Crazy as it seems, He loves me for me. When I consider our children, it doesn’t matter if they hit a home run in picking out my Father’s Day gift (which they did) or whether they literally hit a walk-off bomb to win some baseball game or kick a game-winning goal (had to include Mati). There is nothing they can do to make me love them more. I love them with all of my being. I’m not holding any affection back. They have all the love that I can possibly give.

One of my favorite places to lead: Colorado!
Conversely, when they make mistakes (which they do often) and when they are disobedient (which seems to happen daily), it doesn’t change my love for them. My love is not based upon their actions and attitudes. It is not contingent upon their abilities to consistently mind their mother and I. It is based upon their position as our children…given by God to steward for His glory. The same is true with God, yet only infinitely better – for He loves and leads us in a holy and perfect way. I don’t know about you, but when I consider my love for our kiddos and know that as great as that love is, it pales in comparison to God’s love, well…that blows my mind!

Being a dad also reminds me of my need for community. I have been blessed with a godly woman to partner with. And man, does it ever take teamwork! From creating and executing mealtime menus, to the daily logistics of where to be and when, who is dropping the kids off, who is picking them up, handling discipline, encouraging their individual faith with a balance of grace and truth, etc., it is a HUGE job that requires help. But as much as my wife and I work together, the job is bigger than us. We need community outside of our home. We need friends that will both challenge and encourage. We need a place where we can admit our failures and bounce ideas off of our trusted companions. Our kiddos need other adults that will reinforce the biblical obedience that we are trying to teach and facilitate. And far above those needs, we are desperate for God’s Spirit to remain in our midst – in our home, our marriage, and our friendships.

Ultimately, what I love most about being a dad is that it constantly reminds me of my need for dependence upon God’s grace in all things. Every day for every thing! I must have His wisdom to lead my wife well, and we must gain direction from above to help us guide our children. I need His merciful forgiveness when my actions wholly disagree with the truth I proclaim to stand on. His grace is necessary to remind me that I am not now, nor ever will be, worthy of such favor that has been shown – in my salvation, the promise of my sanctification, and the roles He has placed me in now. I will never husband well enough to merit my amazing wife. Alone I am insufficient to earn the role of being earthly dad to our kiddos. But the cross… It reminds me of how entirely incapable I was of fixing my sin problem. As one dead in my trespasses, it took Christ's death and resurrection to set me free and give me life. The cross stands as a reminder of what God has delivered us from. It is an illustration of all that has been accomplished on our behalf, in spite of us. I can learn to understand (though never fully comprehend) grace because of it. I also know that my family and I must press into Christ daily as we strive toward completely relying on God’s good favor.

It is fun to lead this family I’ve been given. It is an honor to be granted such responsibility. However, I know that we will only get where we are supposed to go, if God remains gracious. Father’s Day reminded me of how faithful the Lord has been and reminds me that I can fully trust Him moving forward. To be “dad” is truly a gift from above and a picture of His grace to be treasured. May we make the most of it by making much of our Savior.

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