Did that statistic not shock you!? How about these:
- The porn industry generates $13 BILLION each year in the U.S.
- 9 out of 10 boys were exposed to pornography before the age of 18
- 88% of scenes in porn films contain acts of physical aggression
- 51% of pastors say Internet pornography is a temptation (Yes, no one is except)
(Want more shocking statistics, click here)
"People tell themselves that pornography is a harmless past time, a form of entertainment, or a freedom of expression covered under the 1st amendment. After all, God invented sex. However, it is not harmless, entertaining, or a freedom for the people who appear in porn movies and photographs...At the 2010 panel event, Slavery Today: Sex Labor & Pornography, panelist discussed how porn has become the foundation to the human trafficking business. Lots of pornography features trafficked women and teenagers. The pornography business justifies the buying and selling of women and young girls." (Read more from this article here)
Many experts say: "Pornography is the marijuana, gateway drug, to Human Trafficking"
1) Start by evaluating your heart... Do I have a problem with Pornography?
a) Admit you have a problem
b) Tell someone you can trust
c) Get help: Changing Lanes Ministries or Break Porn Habits in 90 Days
d) Don't quit!!
2) Is your home 'safe'... Have I taken steps to protect my family?
a) Talk about online boundaries and standards in your home
c) Install Online Accountability (Don't let money stop you: X3Watch)
d) Install Smart Phone Accountability*
*100% of the students I, Jeff, asked will use their phone to look up porn not the computer
3) Learn more about Human Trafficking and what you can do locally!
a) Find out what the BGCO is already doing (Fighting Porn & Human Trafficking)
b) Attend a local meeting (4th Thursday of each month at Kirk of the Hills)
c) Get involved with DaySpring Villa
May God bless your desire to live holy and blameless... May Jesus continue to set captives free... May our prayers and His protection allow the Spirit to do mighty work in our lives... May New Beginnings continue to be both transparent and focused on raising the bar of discipleship of individuals and families... May we love each other as Christ loved the Church!!

Couple more Free Resources to take a look at:
- Handling Social Media with Your Kids
- Parenting the Internet Generation (e-book)
- Sexting: Kids At-Risk
- The Power of Pornography (Dr. Jim Burns audio message)
**If you are interested in my personal two-hour training of the '10 things you should know about teens & tweens' please e-mail me for a FREE copy of the manuel and video link!!
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