Monday, January 28, 2013

That we might help them hear...

As we loaded into the car to head home from church last Wednesday evening, I could tell our middle child’s wheels were spinning. Sure enough as soon as all the doors closed, Chan stated very matter-of-factly, “Dad, I want God to talk to me.” I thought to myself, “Yeah son, don’t we all…” He continued to explain how he wanted to hear from the Lord & know it was actually God speaking and not just his own thoughts. Chan’s comments led us into some really good dialogue. I tried to encourage him that in many years of knowing the Lord, I had never heard His audible voice, yet I was certain that God has spoken to me in many different ways. We discussed how God communicates to us though His word, His Spirit (try navigating that little faith talk with a 7 year-old some time), His creation, and His people. And as I’ve thought about our exchange since then, a couple of things really seem to stand out.

Our conversation about God and how He speaks revealed a distinction between the role of the church and our call as parents. See there was something that happened in children’s ministry earlier that night which caught the attention of our second grader. However, the responsibility of following-up on his intrigue came home to us, the parents. The church is faithfully there to present the good news of the gospel, to whet the appetite of our youth to want and desire the things of God. It exists to teach truth, to speak of faith, to point to Christ, and make much of Him…

Still, the ultimate responsibility of Chan’s spiritual formation falls on my wife and I. We have the honor of fleshing out this faith he hears so much about. We have the privileged challenge of teaming with Christ to form and mature a genuine disciple. I’ve looked for ways to pawn this duty on the church, but I cannot escape our accountability to this high calling. And in case you were wondering, this is declared so plainly in scripture it’s as if the Lord is speaking audibly (Deuteronomy 6:4-9). So am I scared? Am I worried that I’ll fall short? You better believe it! But I’m also really excited. I’m stoked because I have to look no further than my own salvation experience to know Christ alone does this work! I’m thankful for such a freeing thought and thrilled to be partnered in this journey with my amazingly, supportive wife! And finally, I’m ecstatic to belong to a church that is so willing to come alongside us in this adventure!

As we move forward in 2013, I look forward to seeing terms, such as faith talk, faith walk, faith mission, and faith map, lived out in our homes. How charging it is to my soul to think that our commitment to fulfilling our call might result in the transformation of our children. Perhaps the fruit of our efforts would be seen in them as they begin to understand their role and responsibility in their own faith. Like Chan, we all want the Lord to speak to us. The good news is that He has and He is! Oh, that we might listen and faithfully guide our children to hear and know the voice of their Savior.


  1. Great job Matt. As much as many (I say many because i realize there is an element of society that doesn't want ot take responsibility) want to assume this responsibility; accept this responsibility; embrace this responsibility - it is - as you say - very scarry. Let us all pray for the wisom for both ourselves as parents and for the guidence of New Beginnings as they shepherd us towards this responibility.

    1. Thanks for the input and encouragement Dave!! Seems like the biggest part is us simply owning & admitting that we do have a responsibility - both as a parents & as part of the church body. How cool it is to know we're not doing this alone - by any stretch!!

  2. When God speak to me he sounds more like George Burn than Morgan Freeman. Is that a problem?

    JK, good job Matt these spiritual conversation opportunities are exactly what a Faith Walk is about.

    1. I just want to encourage you Phil...I actually got that reference without having to google George Burns :)

  3. Matt, I tried commenting the day this first one went live, but I wasn't a blogger then...Well things have changed! I just want to say how proud I am of you for all the time, effort, and thought you put into this post and the ones that follow! So honored to be your girl!
