Friday, February 5, 2016

Music to your ears!

This morning I spontaneously sang along to a song written be Keith Green in 1978, “My Eyes are Dry.” I have almost every word on the album memorized. I graduated from High school in 1978. I was married in 1980. My new wife and I completely wore out an 8-track tape and a cassette tape of Keith Green’s album, “No Compromise.”

Keith Green died too early, tragically in 1982. The music of Keith Green was being played this morning (and most every morning) by Mike Krebs, our middle school pastor. Mike was born in 1985. Mike tells a story about he and his daughter were singing along with Keith Green songs in the car. The beat goes on.

John Kannady, our worship pastor, asked if we thought the song Mike played and I sang along with could be used at our Easter 2016 services. It’s a powerful song even when I sing along with it.

If a song writer/prophetic voice can reach different generations merely through gospel-driven content, then you should probably be downloading Keith Green, “No Compromise,” on your music playing device today. Sing along by yourself. Sing along with your mate. Sing along with your family. Just sing.

If you’re curious and want to listen for yourself here is a collection of Youtube videos that feature Keith Green:

If you want to hear the entire story of Keith Green, his development as a Christian song writer and his tragic death you can watch this.

The reason for this blog is to encourage you to find and worship Jesus, Who gives us a reason too sing.

Dr. Phil Sallee, Pastor

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