(This week's blog will be a bit different from the norm. With the amount of growing new families added to our church each month, we as a staff, decided to take a break from our routine format to share a little bit about ourselves and our families. It is our hope and desire that we might become a group of leaders that you know and trust. As usual, I'm batting leadoff, but be looking forward to Sankie =Tuesday, Jeff = Wednesday, Terry = Thursday, and of course Phil = Friday.)

many young families, weekly we battle to find our rhythm in the hectic, busy pace
of life. Between soccer practices and baseball tourneys, my wife’s work as a
clinical therapist and my seminary course load, balance and focus are always desperately
needed for our overall health as a family. During the last year or so, we have
also discovered how precious it is to belong to a genuine community of
believers – friends that know us and like us anyway – people who have agreed to
share in the ups and downs with us as we each seek to bring God glory. Again, what
unmerited favor that the Lord would lead us to such a place!
we’re not hangin’ in the Warehouse, writing a Monday blog, or shuffling to and
from ballgames, we really enjoy being home. For us, not much is better than
sleeping in on a Saturday and eating a big homemade breakfast together. Our
family enjoys camping and loves to be out in God’s creation. We are avid St.
Louis Cardinal fans and in terms of bedlam, a house fearfully and wonderfully
made crimson and orange. We love our life but acknowledge that it is often weighty
and things rarely come easy. Since we all face days full of complexities and challenges,
we hope to be an available resource of hope, encouragement, and direction. We are
excited to be a part of the Lord’s work in South Tulsa and all that He’s doing at
New Beginnings. We look forward to partnering with you in the seasons ahead as
we chase after Christ together.
May we make much of Him,
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