Monica and I traveled this Sunday afternoon to Shawnee to celebrate our sons birthdays with Monica's parents, brother and his family. Monica's boys, my step sons, were born on the same day, four years apart on January 29th. As we were driving in to Shawnee, Monica received a phone call from her mom saying that she was taking Monica's dad to the emergency room because he was having symptoms of a stroke.
We picked up the boys, who were at their dads in Shawnee and headed straight to the hospital. Fortunately, praise God, he came out of it, stayed the night in the hospital and was home the next day.
My father in law is only 62 years old, well under the average life expectancy in the US, which in 2011 was 78.64 years of age. So this would have been very unexpected, had the worst happened. He has never been in the hospital in his entire life. On Sunday, in the hospital, I witnessed the fear in my wife, in my brother-in-law, in my mother-in-law and I saw a different look in the boys and their cousins. In everyone, there was that concern of not knowing what to expect. Was he going to be OK? Was there going to be any permanent damage? Was this a sign of something more, like could he eventually have a heart attack? All kinds of thoughts racing through your head.
The appropriate tests were performed. And then you get the news.
All of the tests came back "good". Every thing is going to be OK. He is going to be alright. Praise God!
It wasn't his time to go. And we are so very thankful. But things will be different for all of us now, because of this scare. We will appreciate him more. We will appreciate each other more. We will appreciate life more and we will continue to appreciate the peace that comes from knowing that we know, that we know, that we know, that IF God had decided to take him home on Sunday, that we all know exactly where he would be going. Because of his relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we know, without a doubt, he would be sitting with Jesus, in heaven, for eternity. (My father and mother in law, Ken and Elaine are on the far right of the picture below.)
As long as we are here on this earth, let's be relentless in our pursuit for every son, every daughter, every grandson, every grand daughter, every step son or step daughter, every mom or dad, step father or step mother, every family or non-family member, friend or acquaintance to have a peace that transcends all understanding, because they know, that they know, that they know, that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior too.
Life is so very fragile. The average life expectancy is no guarantee to you, to me or to anyone. Ask those who have lost a loved one under the age of 78.64. Your life or the life of a loved one could be taken from you at any moment. Are you ready? Do you know Jesus Christ? Do you live with a peace of knowing, that you know, that you know, that you know, without a doubt, what will happen to you or your friend or your loved one, once they pass away?

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