Showing posts with label Mancation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mancation. Show all posts

Monday, July 14, 2014

Not just good to all, but gracious to ME...

Last week I was privileged to journey to the mountains with a group of guys from the church. We summited a handful of fourteeners, rode 4-wheelers, braved the white waters of a rafting trip, and spent a lot of time conversing around the campfire. On one of our last evenings at camp, we took turns talking about what we had learned during the week – about God and each other, as well as what was revealed to us about ourselves. The big takeaway for me was a reminder of something I already knew; yet something I’m often prone to forget.

Terry Thursday is not just for blogs,
but campfire devos as well.
As I contemplated my time away, I realized again that God is not just gracious in a general sense, but more specifically, He is abundantly good and gracious to me personally as well. While His creation is absolutely remarkable and the sights, sounds, and smells of the Rockies are incredibly praiseworthy, breathtaking, and display mightily His greatness, and we undoubtedly know that He is good to all, do we know He is also good to us? Are we aware of just how gracious He has been to us individually? Is it apparent how God has been particularly merciful and good to you? As I reflected on our trip and the various thoughts and memories that came to mind throughout the week, this truth is what overwhelmed my soul with gratitude: While God has been so gracious and faithful to all, He has also been faithfully gracious to me.

Andy & the guys making the final
pitch up through the snow.
I was quite familiar with the area where we spent most of our time. While making our way up Quandary Peak, I was reminded of hiking the same mountain with my wife just a year earlier. During the way up our Wednesday climb, way off in the distance, I pointed out to one of the guys the lodge in view, where I proposed to Brittany. Admittedly, it was a moment of vulnerability, as I revealed the significance of the mountain and the fact that I’m a romantic at heart. Nevertheless, it added another layer of depth to an already rich memory in the making.

Our travel led us past locations where my family has camped before, again bringing to mind God's blessing. We also shared stories along the way of previous mancations, which reminded me of many valuable experiences and conversations from long ago. I was reminded of how much the Lord has grown me and just how much I’ve personally been shown favor. The camaraderie that has been established through the years with different guys at the church through such trips to Colorado is symbolic of the trust and accountability I now have with other believing men. I didn’t have these types of godly friendships when I first visited the mountains back in 2008.

What I was reminded of last week is something I know must be kept in the forefront of my mind. It is a truth my heart needs to rest in and one my soul must cling to. God is not just One who is good and does good to and for others. He is not just the Creator of the the heavens. He is my Creator. He is the One that has been and remains faithful and true to me. He is the author and finisher of my faith, and my source of grace and mercy, both now and forever. He is not distant. He is not some far off ideal. He is real and intimately acquainted with all of my ways. And that very thought stirs a thankfulness much deeper than my mere appreciation of His creative handiwork. He loves me despite me. Christ's death on the cross was not just for the world's sins but for all of my failures and trespasses as well. His resurrection not only gives new life to sinners, it has also changed the heart of this sinner. 

I share this today in hopes that we might personalize God's grace. Perhaps we will take time to consider the gospel again and all of its glorious implications. As you flip through photo albums and take advantage of opportunities to explore new vacation locales this summer, I pray that you might be able to reflect on God’s goodness to you and your family. May we see how He has delivered us, how He is sanctifying us, and how He has blessed us in so many undeserving ways.

“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” Psalm 103:1-5 (ESV)

Monday, July 7, 2014

A special place to be...

Please allow me to apologize ahead of time for what you're about to read. While I've blogged before from aboard a plane headed to Haiti, this is my very first time to attempt to post from my the mountains...on vacation. Needless to say, I won't have much help in catching my many grammatical errors & misspellings. So, please humor me & try to look past them :)

I will keep this brief and to the point. It has been quite a day. We took off early this morning and have traveled from Bixby, OK to Bailey, CO & beyond. We just sat up camp a few hours ago & currently (1am-ish CST) myself & a few others are driving to a trailhead to take on our first two 14ers of the week (Mount Shavano & Tabeguache Peak).

This will set the pace for a week of adventure that, Lord willing, will return us home from a week of camping exhausted and in need of a long nap. That's the goal though... Somehow in the midst of being surrounded by God's majestic creation & being physically challenged to my limits, I oddly enough get recharged. A lot of other guys do too. This is a place where The Lord has faithfully reenergized myself & others for years now.

With this being my fourth Mancation to take with the church and having numerous other personal trips spread out in between, I've seen many men come in need of a break - in need of connection and unwinding, blessed to leave refreshed and encouraged. This is a special place & a time I truly look forward to each year... And here's my question: Have you discovered such a place or thing for you? Where do you go to get your battery recharged? When are you allowed to talk honestly with other believing friends? When have you intentionally spent time to find The Lord through unique challenges and conversations...through the kind of rest that He alone provides?

If you don't know, this isn't me rubbing it in because I'm currently getting to. Rather, my hope is you might be encouraged to find such a time and place soon. I believe it is John Muir that is known for the following quote: "The mountains are calling & I must go." I agree but would prefer to alter it slightly to say: "Since God has been faithful to meet me in the mountains, I must go every once in a while." Not nearly as catchy; probably not gonna see that one on a bumper sticker anytime soon. In hopes of being crystal clear, it is God that I worship & not His Rocky Mountain masterpiece. He has wired me in such a way to find joy in Him while spending a week away in the outdoors. Guess it could be worse, right.

As much as I love the mountains, if it were only for a week of play, I'm afraid I'd have to decline. I love & enjoy my wife & kids far too much to just be gone for a week. However, when I can come here and take time to hear Him & be captivated again by His awe-inspiring beauty... Well, that is something special.

With all that being said, I'm going to get back to enjoying it. I have many stories (& pics) to share from past & present & I hope to do so in the near future...just when I can do them more justice.

Psalm 19:1-6 describes one of the unique ways that God speaks to us. Have you paused to listen? (The rest is pretty awesome too!) May we seek Him, see Him, hear Him, & make much of Him in all we do.

Please pray for our safety & I'll see you again next week!!

Matt Fowler